Sunday, September 6, 2009

My New Hair

I went for a hair cut today. Plan to cut short, maybe back to bob.. but.. end up looks like tomboy! lolz...  Here's how it looks like....

new hair

My hair is as short as that!! Plus my pale face... so..yea! hahahaha..... :P
What do you think?! :P



  1. walau eh..super short lor...

  2. Nice leh?! lol..... i look like ah boy~ :P

  3. i lurve it!!!! its d *i dun gve a fcuk* look!!
    gve it a splat of colour n WAHLAUEH

  4. Really abit too short lo kakak! but....u both sibling really do look alike! I first saw it, it really reminds me of brother! Proven from the same "factory" :P but don't cut till this short anymore edi la "koko" no more kakak hahaha :P

  5. Argh!!!! alby boy..... dont say ady la... that sau mang kai also say i look like carter! wtf?! so saddddd.... :(
    I miss my silky long hair~~~
